Wednesday 13 February 2013

difference between haruan sold in market and haruan that jst be caught

 there is a lot difference between the two haruan i mentioned earlier

the differences are

  • the haruan sold by those markets guys ,is consider alot weaker compared to the jungle haruan.
  • this is because markets guys will feed those haruans with chicken liver which is full of fat...this will make sure the fish is gain in weight and lose in their natural strenght...
  • and the jungle haruan is more stonger due to their feed in small alive fishes...therefore wen we consumed the market fish,,we won't find any differences due to the fat by those chicken liver.
  • we x find any nutrients in maket fish,,bt wen we consumed jungle haruan ,,will be gaining all that nutrients and benefits i mentioned earlier... thats the differences
if u guys face difficulities in differentiating between market haruan and jungle haruan, here are those solutions

  • market fish have those big and fat stomach and small head
  • but jungle haruan will have a biiger head compared to their body size...tats y this fish is called as a snake head fish

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