Wednesday 13 February 2013

About Haruan Fish

Hi, My name is harigaran...i m a fish lover...i love to catch haruan fish...if u guys hav no idea how a haruan fish look like, this is how they should be

you guys should be asking,, among all the fish,why this young guy promoting haruan fish.....
well this are the answers if that was your guys questions.....

According to research,
  • Women who have recently given birth and patients who have undergone surgery, chances are that the first anecdotal advice received will relate to the consumption of the ikan haruan (lit. haruan fish) to aid in the healing of internal wounds
  • Haruan has a high vitamin A content, and at 60-70% of body mass, its protein content is also sizeable. 
  • Its fat content is low compared to other fresh water fish, and also compared to other poultry such as beef, lamb, and chicken. 
  • Meanwhile, toxic heavy metals commonly found in fish, such as manganese, nickel, and lead, have been found only in minute quantities in the haruan, negligible compared to the levels approved by general health standards.
  • The consumption of ikan haruan not only facilitates the wound healing process but also reduces the pain associated with post-surgical recovery. It has been found that haruan essence assists with the effects of morphine. 
  • There have also been preliminary findings related to antibacterial properties, and local researchers are focusing on efforts to identify the species associated with the relief of stomach ulcers.
  • The haruan also contains high levels of amino acids important in the wound healing process. These include glutamic and aspartic acid, as well as glycine, an important component of collagen in the skin.

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